8th PeMSAA Australasia Conference

Successfully held at Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre from 17-18th August 2024. More Info

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PeMSAA Australasia 2024-2026 Committee

Meet our newly appointed 2024-2026 Committee here

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Welcome to PeMSAA Australasia

Welcome to our new & fresh official PeMSAA Australasia website!

PeMSAA Australasia is the Australasian branch of The Peradeniya Medical Students Alumni Association – a professional body that consists of both, the expat alumni and teaching staff of the Faculty of Medicine – University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. The Australasian branch covers both Australian and New Zealander members of the PeMSAA. The association was established in 2008 and the 6th PeMSAA Australasia Congress in Adelaide, marks 10 years since its inception.

This website is the hub for all the necessary PeMSAA Australasia related information and more. It will also be the sole location where you can access information about the history of PeMSAA Australasia, current & future events and the way to access PeMSAA newsletters.

About Us

pemsaa Australia president

President's Message

Ultimately PeMSAA goes West !

I am humbled and delighted to Welcome you all to Perth  WA , as the 8 th oncoming President of PeMSAA Australasia.

We have teamed up in WA with a very experienced team to host the 8 th Annual congress of PeMSAA in the far flung land with utmost delight and commitment to make the event a memorable and the most important event in the calendar of 2024 for all of our honourable members of both old and new alike.

PeMSAA has come a very long way since it’s inception in Sydney NSW in 2008 !

Welcome to Whadjuk country, as we say it in WA.


Our Vision

  • To encourage, foster and promote close relationship between the Faculty of Medicine University of Peradeniya and PeMSAA alumni in Australasia and among the alumni themselves living in Australasia.
  • To initiate, assist and support activities which are of interest and benefit to the PeMSAA alumni in Australasia.
  • To promote interest of the alumni association in the affairs of the Faculty of Medicine University of Peradeniya.
  • To provide a platform for the PeMSAA alumni in Australasia to interact thereby to enhance social and professional relationships PeMSAA Parent body of in Sri Lanka and other PeMSAA international Alumni associations.
  • To support the Faculty of Medicine University of Peradeniya with the intention of improving the standard of the school and it’s students.

PeMSAA Sri Lanka President

PeMSAA Sri Lanka President's Message

It is my pleasure and privilege to send a message to PeMSAA Australasia on behalf of the Peradeniya Medical School Alumni Association (PeMSAA).
Let me first congratulate the newly elected council on behalf of PeMSAA. PeMSAA Australasia has been…Read More…

Visit PeMSAA Sri Lanka

8th PeMSAA Australasia Conference

Thank you to all attendees and the Organising Committee of the 8th PeMSAA Australasia Conference and gala dinner. We hope you found the sessions informative and gained new insights that will enhance your professional journey. It was wonderful to see so many of our esteemed MeMSAA members coming together to share knowledge and experiences. We trust you enjoyed reconnecting with your peers and forging new connections. Your presence made the event truly special, and we look forward to welcoming you again in the future. See you all again in 2 years..

8th PeMSAA Conference in Perth– Organising Committee


To Meet and Associate

Alumni living in Australia and New Zealand regularly.

To Seek Assistance & Advice

from other PeMSAA members when moving to Australia or other professional matters.

Receive Newsletter

All our members are eligible to receive the monthly Newsletter.

Congress Registration Discounts

Enjoy an exclusive discount fees for the biennial Congress registrations.

Select Your Own Committee

Cast your Vote and practice yout rights to select the committee at the AGM.

Membership Benefits

To meet and associate Alumni living in Australia and New Zealand regularly.
To seek assistance and advice from other PeMSAA members when moving to Australia or other professional matters
Eligible to receive monthly News letter
Discount congress registration fees
Tax and CPD benefit when attending congress and workshop
Voting rights at Annual General Meetings