Business hours Mon - Fri: 9AM - 6PM +61 459064652
Appointment of Proxy Form
Event Name (required) Event Date (mm/dd/yyyy - required)
I, (name in full, required) of address (required)
Email (required) PeMSAA Australasia Membership No. (Optional)
being a life member of the Peradeniya Medical School Alumni Association- Australasia hereby appoint;
Full name of proxy (required) of address (required)
being a life member of that Peradeniya Medical School Alumni Association- Australasia, as my proxy to vote for me on my behalf in all matters arising at the event outlined above.
Date (mm/dd/yyyy - required)
Signature (Text/ Required) By signing, I nominate the proxy to act on my behalf at the above event
I accept the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions of PeMSAA Australasia