The Constitution of
Peradeniya Medical School Alumni Association (PeMSAA)
The name of the association shall be the Peradeniya medical School Alumni Association hereinafter referred to as “the Association”. The expression “Peradeniya Medical School” shall include the Medical Faculties of the University of Ceylon, the University of Ceylon, Peradeniya, the University of Sri Lanka, Peradeniya Campus and the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and shall hereinafter be referred to as “the School”.
The objectives of the Association shall be as follows:
- To encourage, foster and promote close relations between the School and its alumni and among the alumni themselves.
- To assist and support, financially and otherwise, the School and the alumni.
- To initiate, assist and support activities which are of interest and benefit to the alumni.
- To promote interest of the alumni association in the affairs of the School and to ensure that programmes are developed for the benefit of the alumni.
- To promote close relation between alumni and students of the School and to support student welfare programmes.
- To provide exchange of information between Alumni, School and its students.
- Any other objectives which may be considered relevant and necessary and are in conformity with t above aims and objectives of the Association. Patron The Vice-chancellor of the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka shall be the Patron of the Association.
Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee of the Association of the following persons:
- Office bearers of the Association;
- Dean of the School and a representative nominated by the Faculty Board.
- The office bearers of the Association shall be the following:
- The President
- Two Vice-Presidents
- The General Secretary
- Two Assistant Secretaries
- The Treasurer
- The Assistant Treasurer
- The Editor
- Ten Committee Members
- As far as possible, the committee should give representation to the different batches of alumnus.
- The Association’s authority shall be vested in the Executive Committee. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be chaired by the President of the Association or in his absence by the Vice-President, or in his absence any person elected by the members present.
- The quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be not less than one-third of its membership.
- The Executive Committee shall be responsible for implementing the decisions of the General Membership. It shall meet as frequently as possible. The office bearers shall be elected at an annual general meeting and shall hold office for a period of one year.
- If, for any reason the chair of an office bearer falls vacant before one year the Executive Committee shall nominate suitable person(s) to serve for the remaining period of office.
- No office bearer shall hold the same office for more than three years.
- The Secretariat of the Association shall be based as determined by the Executive Committee.
- The General Secretary of the Association shall undertake the administrative duties associated with the Association in liaison with the President and Executive Committee.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining records of the income and expenditure of the Association. He / She shall provide the Executive Committee with an annual account statement in January of each year in addition to statement at the annual general meeting of the General Membership.
Change In Statutes
Change in the Statutes shall be made only with the approval of at least two-third of the total Membership of the Executive Committee voting at a meeting of Executive Committee and with the approval of the General Membership by a simple majority.
Meeting Of General Membership
- There shall be held each year at a time and place fixed by the Executive Committee, an annual general meeting of the Association.
- A special meeting of the Association shall be convened by the General Secretary of the Association at the written request of a number of members not less than thirty of 1/3 of the General Membership whichever is less.
- A general or special meeting shall be convened by the General Secretary of the Association at the instance of the Executive Committee.
Membership Fees
The fees payable be Members shall be at rates proposed by the Executive Committee from time to time and approved at the General Membership meeting.
By – Laws No. 1 Of 1992 Of The Association
By – Laws No. 1 of 1992 of the Association are as follows:
- The President shall exercise the power normally incident to that position.
- He / She shall have responsibility for the interpretation and clarification of all procedural questions which may arise. He / She shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee. In his / her absence, the Association or the Executive Committee shall elect the Vice – Presidents to preside or in his absence any person elected by the members present.
- The Vice – Presidents shall assume the duties delegated to them. They shall have particular responsibility for the conduct of affairs of the association in the absence of the President.
- The General Secretary shall be responsible for recording minutes of all meetings and keeping all records of the Association and of the Executive Committee.
- He / She shall hold responsibility for providing written notices of meetings of the Association to all its members. He / She shall convene a special meeting of the Association at the written request of not less one hundred or one tenth of the total number of members whichever is less, not later than thirty days from the date of the receipt of such notice.
- The General Secretary shall prepare and present on annual report at the annual general meeting.
- The Two Assistant Secretaries shall perform such functions as delegated to them by the General Secretary.
- The Treasurer shall assist the Executive Committee and any other Committees referred to in Article VI in financial planning and expenditure He / She shall be responsible for the maintenance of the proper accounts of the Association. He / She shall also prepare and present an annual statement of audited accounts.
- The Assistant Treasurer shall perform all such functions delegated to him / her by the Treasurer.
- The annual subscription for ordinary membership is as follows:
- Life Member – AUD 200
- Associate Member – AUD 50
- A member who pays AUD 200 shall become a life member, viz. Full Life Member / Associate Life Member. The registration fee for new members shall be AUD 50 provided that founder members shall be exempt from such registration fees.
- When election to the posts of office bearers of the Association are due, the General Secretary shall call for nominations by written notice to all the members at least 2 months before the relevant meeting.
- Nominations for the posts of office bearers of the Association shall be received by the General Secretary at a date not less than one month before the relevant annual general Meeting. Nominations for the posts of five Executive Committee members and any other posts for which nominations have been received shall be made by any member of the Association during such meeting. In case of vacancy occurring during the course of the year in any posts or office such vacancy shall be filled by the Executive Committee. In case of the resignation of all office bearers their successors may be elected at a general meeting for which 2 months written notice shall be given to all members.
- If there is more than one candidate for any post, an election shall be held in the manner determined by the Association at such meeting. Voting rights will be restricted to full members whose subscriptions are not in arrears.
- The number of honorary members shall not exceed fifty.
- The first election of the Executive Committee of the Association shall be held at the inaugural meeting of the Association and nomination to all posts will be accepted at the meeting.
Please download our consitution from the link below