Common PeMSAA Australasia Online Payment Form

PeMSAA Australasia Membership Fee

NOTICE: You can pay for your PeMSAA Australasia Life Membership here. Please make sure that you are eligible for the membership and agree to the terms and conditions of our association before making the payment. Kindly contact us before making the payment, should you have any inquiries, . If an ineligible person makes a payment, it will be refunded after deducting AUD 10.00 for processing and bank charges within 14 days of payment.

Item IDDescriptionDetailsUnit of MeasurePriceQty
PMLM001MembershipLife Membership Fee1AU$200 per member

By paying, you confirm that you have read The Peradeniya Medical School Alumni Association (‘PeMSAA’) Australasia Terms & Conditions and Refund Policy, that you understand them and that you agree to be bound by them.